Your child wants to be on a screen a lot?

She doesn't seem to want to get off?

She has big feelings about stopping screen time?

You have big feelings about her stopping screen time?

Screen time can easily turn into conflict and disconnection?

You're concerned about her screen time?

You're worried about how screens will affect her future?

You judge your parenting when your child's looking at a screen?

You feel relieved sometimes when she's on a screen, so that you can get on and focus on something?

You sometimes feel frustrated and powerless when she won't get off the screen?

You worry that other parents will judge you if they see your child using a screen?

You compare yourself with other families, and feel uncomfortable?

Because as a mother, and as an Aware Parenting Instructor, I've seen how emotive the subject of screens is.

On the one hand, we live in a culture where there isn't much support for parents.

Often a mother will spend long stretches of time alone at home with small children.

And screens can be really helpful in this nuclear family culture.

We can connect with like-minded people all over the world on Facebook, text a friend when we are feeling upset, or read an online article when we are longing for some mind-stimulation.

We can offer our child a screen so that they are entertained for a while, and we can get on with doing all the things that need to be done, or have some moments just to rest.

We can work from home and run online businesses in ways that weren't possible even five years ago.

And our children can learn all kinds of interesting things about the world.

And yet, the same things that make screens such a gift, their endless capacity to entertain and educate, can mean that they easily become control patterns...

For both us, and our children!

In my fourteen years of parenting, screens have evolved in incredible ways.

And those ways mean that the gifts, and the challenges, have both become bigger.

I have been through such a roller coaster ride of screens for myself and my children.

And I have talked to many parents on similar roller coasters.

So I created this course.

Not to give hard-and-fast rules about screen use for families.

Not to judge.

Not to add more fuel to the fire of self-judgment for parents.

Not to offer a one-size-fits-all approach.

But to give a supportive, empathic, compassionate space for each mother to explore this for herself.

A place to explore what needs are met and not met by screens.

A place to investigate thoughts and beliefs about screens.

A place to remember memories of screen use when we were children and teenagers.

A place to find our own unique ways of staying connected with our kids around screens.

A place to receive compassion for those challenging screen-days.

A place to find clarity about your own values, sweet spots, and strategies around screens.

I wish I had had this course five years ago.

I want to give you a platform so that you can come to your own, heartfelt, connected clarity!

  • To get clear about your screen values and needs?

  • To understand what needs screens meet for your child/ren?

  • To know what your big reactions are about, and help lessen them?

  • To stop judging yourself for what happens in your family around screens?

  • To stay connected with your child when they are on a screen?

  • To create more harmonious endings of screen time?

  • To understand what is really going on for you and your child/ren around screens?

  • To find screen strategies that really suit YOUR family?



Understand your child/ren more:

What needs screen use meets;

Differentiating between screen time that meets needs and screen time that represses feelings;

Helping them be willing to get off the screen;


Understand what is going on for you around screens:

What needs get met by screens, and whether screens are the best way to meet those needs;

Hearing what you are telling yourself about screen use, and finding new stories;

Getting clear about your values, and screen strategies that specifically suit YOU.


Help with Specific Screen Strategies:

How to create more connection before, during and after screen time;

Attachment play to help getting off screens be more fun;

Learning when and how to use loving limits with screen time.

  • Learning materials and self-reflections in written, video and audio formats

  • Supportive mini-audios for you to listen to in challenging moments!

Week One - Understand What's Underneath

We'll be exploring what needs get met and don't get met by screen use, both for yourself and your child/ren. This will stand as a foundation for the rest of the course, as we get clear about our needs, values and choices.

Week Two - Mining Our Inner World

Discovering our thoughts, uncovering our core beliefs, and listening to our memories of screens, so we can get really clear around screen use.

Week Three - Creating and Keeping Connection

Here we will be looking at how you can stay connected with yourself and your child/ren before, during and after, screen use. We will explore family meetings, Screen Present Time, attachment play, connection before getting off, and screen experiments. You'll build your own repertoire of connecting keys.

Week Four - Practical Processes for your Particular Family

In the last week, we will be bringing everything together to create your own plan and processes. We'll look at finding your own family rhythm, what options you have around screens, and knowing when to use attachment play and when to use loving limits. This will be all about listening to what works for your own family!

I'd love to join in!One payment of AUD$120

I've had a lot of experience with screens!

I wrote my Ph.D. on the effects of post-natal depression on the mother-infant relationship on a very old screen, 25 years ago.

I worked as a Post-Doctoral Research fellow 23 years ago, learning about babies' cognitive abilities, and we recorded all the data on very old computers!

I finished training as a psychotherapist 21 years ago, and I wrote all my essays on a slightly less old screen!

I've developed Aware Parenting online communities.

I've written a lot of articles on computers!

Nowadays I love making online courses for mothers!

And screens were once a very big control pattern for me.

A few years ago, I was constantly checking Facebook.

As a child, I watched a lot of TV.

And with two homeschooled children aged 16 and 11, we've played a lot with their screen use.

I've explored screen use a lot, and have come to understand that screens have the capacity to meet many of our needs.

For connection, for community, for communication, for learning, for inspiration, for entertainment, for creativity, for clarity, for challenge, for competence.

And we can also use them to disconnect from ourselves and our children.

And our children can use them to meet many of their needs.

And they can also use them to disconnect from themselves and us.

I don't have a perfect plan.

What I do have is plenty of compassion, and a set of processes and reflections to help support mothers get clear about what is going on in their family, connect with their values, put these into practice, and be super-self-compassionate when things don't go to plan.

I've found that over the years, what has changed most is how I treat myself around screens.

The more I've freed myself from guilt, shame, self-judgment, comparison, and unwanted thoughts about my children and their future,

The more I can stay connected with my parenting values;

The more I can stay connected with my kids, before, during and after screen time;

And the more I can stay connected with myself, even when things go pear-shaped.

I'm not about finding perfect solutions.

I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach.

I'm passionate about compassion for mothers and children (and dads too!)

I love helping mothers increasingly free themselves from past pain, and self-punishment,

so that you can more and more listen to,

and live from,

what feels TRUE FOR YOU.

  • Q.When does it start?

    A.You can start as soon as you sign up. You’ll have access to all four weeks’ of material straight away, and you’ll have access for as long as the course continues. That means you can start when you want and do it at your own pace.

  • Q.How long does it go for?

    A.4 weeks. But you can take as little or as long as you want!

  • Q.Do I have to do it within the four weeks?

    A.No! You can take your own time with this. You have access to the course for as long as it exists – it’s called “life-time access” – that means the life time of the course, rather than your life time!! (-;

  • Q.How much is it?

    A.It’s AUD $120.

  • Q.Can I sign up now but not start for a while? I've got lots on at the moment.

    A.Absolutely! You can start when the time is right for you. You can ask questions on the Facebook group and receive answers, whenever you take the course.

  • Q.I don't know anything about Aware Parenting. Would this course suit me?

    A.This course is designed for mothers who resonate with Aware Parenting. If you want to find out about Aware Parenting, visit and

  • Q.I've only been practicing Aware Parenting for a few months. Would this suit me?

    A.Yes! If Aware Parenting resonates with you, and you understand the basic concepts and practices, then this will suit you!

  • Q.Will you talk about the scientific research into screen use for children?

    A.No, this course is much more about the emotional element of screen use. However, I do have a beautiful bonus from Dr. Kristy Goodwin, who is an expert on the research into children and screen use. You can find out more about her work at

  • Q.I don't think children should watch screens at all. Is this course for me?

    A.If you have really strong beliefs about screen use which you aren’t willing to look at, this course probably won’t meet your needs. We will be enquiring into our thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

I'm so excited that Dr. Kristy Goodwin, of Every Chance to Learn, who is a children's technology and researcher, is giving you a bonus.

Her Managing Minecraft Masterclass (usual cost AUDD$97) helps parents harness technology so that you can support your child/ren's learning and development.

The masterclass will help you understand what Minecraft involves, develop practical ideas abut how Minecraft can be used in healthy and helpful ways, and develop a repertoire of child-tested strategies to manage Minecraft, amongst much more.

There are over two-and-a-half hours of videos or audios to help you make sense of Minecraft.

Kristy has given this bonus to everyone who signs up for the Kids, Screens and Aware Parenting Course.

To find out more about Dr. Kristy's work, visit her website at

Find out about her book, Raising Your Child in a Digital World, HERE.

  • It's for you if you want to explore your thoughts and beliefs about screens

  • It's for you if you're willing to explore your own feelings around screens

  • It's for you if you want to find clarity about screens for YOUR family

  • It's for you if you enjoy learning new things and are willing to make changes in your life

  • It's for you if you are willing to be part of an empathic, interested, compassionate community

  • It's for you if you enjoy being part of a supportive group

  • It's for you if you want to stay connected with your child before, during and after screen use

  • It's for you if you want to find ways to meet both your needs, and your child/ren's needs

  • It's for you if you resonate with Aware Parenting by Aletha Solter

  • It's not for you if want to use punishments and rewards with your children

  • It's not for you if you aren't willing to explore your own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and childhood experiences

  • It's not for you if you have really strong beliefs about screen use that you aren't willing to question

  • It's not for you if you want to judge other parents for what their screen strategies are

  • It's not for you if you don't resonate with Aware Parenting

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